Gram Panchayats have been following the practice of participatory planning process and
implementation since long as mandated by the Government of West Bengal and following the
State Guideline for Participatory Planning.
The planning process starts with the formation of Gram Panchayat Facilitating Team (GPFT).
They are capacitated in different phases on the steps of participatory planning process. The
team consists of Elected Representatives (ERs) and employees of the GP, employees of line
departments operating at GP level including ANM, ASHA, ICDS Supervisors, members of
the Self-Help Groups (SHGs), School teachers and community volunteers. The GPFT have
steered the GPDP preparation and implementation process, they are frontline workers for the
process. Intensive community mobilization through GPFT and Women's SHGs, have been
instrumental in sustaining participation in the planning process. Invitation letters from the GP
to each household, miking, rally and procession, wall writing by SHGs on social issues have
also enabled the community to jell together. The vibrant neighbourhood level meeting plays
the role of catalyst in bringing out sector specific primary data using various PRA Tools.
Based on the collected primary and secondary data, GPFT members sits in sector wise groups
to analyse local challenges, resources available and probable solution. Taking note of the
importance of local action for attaining Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), each plan
activity was discussed and linked with the relevant SDG. Low cost and no cost activities like
awareness camps on child labour and human trafficking, public health, women and child
development, social forestry were given due importance along with cost intensive
infrastructure related activities.
On the basis of available resources like CFC, SFC, OSR, MGNREGS, State Unties Fund
(ISGPP) and SBM(G), the Gram Panchayat prepares draft sub-committee wise integrated
plan & budget and place it in the Gram Sansad meetings followed by presentation in the
Gram Sabha for finalization. The General Body of the Gram Panchayat gives final approval.